At Buffet, we feel connected to our local roots and community. Since we are not planning on moving anywhere, we take care of our surroundings so the tree outside of our office that protects us from the sun during a coffee break is happy too. A collaboration.
We try to extend this concept onto our business as well. We are a part of the chain, but that does not imply strict unidirectional relationship.
We try to extend this concept onto our business as well. We are a part of the chain, but that does not imply strict unidirectional relationship.
We care about our suppliers and producers, local businesses we know personally and we use ethically sourced raw materials with zero moral shortcuts.
By using deadstock we repurpose leftover fabric that would otherwise go to waste.
At the same time, we try to limit the amount of waste we generate ourselves by making limited numbers of products hoping we sell all of them rather then produce as much as possible.
By using deadstock we repurpose leftover fabric that would otherwise go to waste.
At the same time, we try to limit the amount of waste we generate ourselves by making limited numbers of products hoping we sell all of them rather then produce as much as possible.
At Buffet, we believe that little pleasures can make a bad day a little more bearable. By trading profit for sustainability, we hope that our clothes are not only easy and comfortable to wear for your physical body, but for your mind as well.